Managed Service Providers

Help your clients effortlessly identify and manage both their technical and non-technical vulnerabilities.
Your Challenge: You offer a comprehensive service to your clients, but still lack the capabilities of a full MSSP
Our Solution: Help your clients effortlessly identify and manage both their technical and non-technical vulnerabilities, saving time and conserving resources in the process.

Added Value


Supplement your existing services with a security-focussed offering, providing your clients significant added value in the process.

Satisfy Emerging Customer Needs

Your clients look to you to help manage their security, even though security isn’t always in your wheelhouse – now it can be.

Automated Assessments

Guide your clients through an intuitive assessment process as they identify and manage their technical and non-technical risks.

Support From The Sidelines

Your clients can take their security into their own hands, while you manage from the sidelines and help only when necessary.

Scale Up & Expand

Widen your area of expertise and expand into new markets, utilising an AI-powered, white-labelled compliance solution.